The OSINT Effect

Training Brazilian Federal & Civil Officers to Keep Children Safe

Chief Executive Officer
June 5, 2024
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OSINT Industries recently undertook a crucial initiative with law enforcement officers in Brazil, aimed at enhancing the OSINT capabilities of those dedicated to combating child abuse on- and off-line.

Our training program, titled "OSINT Training: Online Child Safety & Digital Investigations," is designed to provide officers with advanced skills in Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) techniques; tools like these are essential in today's digital age to effectively investigate and prevent threats to children.

Officers undertaking OSINT Training, Sept. '23 (identities obscured)

Our course was delivered over two days in September 2023, covering a range of topics from digital footprint analysis to cybersecurity measures - all tailored for child protection. Participants included officers from various forces: the Polícia Civil do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Polícia Civil do Estado de Santa Catarina, Polícia Civil PR, and the Polícia Federal.

In line with OSINT Industries' commitment to the #OSINT4Good initiative, this training was offered free of charge to those working on child abuse cases, reflecting our company's dedication to leveraging our expertise for social good.

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